Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday pool day

Finally! The pool is open on a Monday. Fantastic swim. Best ever. 1950 yards. This is my longest swim in a pool and just short of my longest swim ever (the longest was the swim in my half-IM, in which I doggie paddled a good portion). Very difficult. It was a mixture of drills, freestyle and IMs. An IM is one length butterfly, one length backstroke, one length breaststroke and one length free and then repeat as many times as necessary in that order. So, if you were doing a 200 IM in a 25 yard pool (like me), you would do that twice. It's really, really hard, especially the butterfly, which is evil. The main set of my swim was a pyramid, with alternating freestyle and IM. So, the lengths were 50 yards, 100 yards, 150 yards, 200 yards, 250 yards, 200 yards, 150 yards, 100 yards, 50 yards. The odds (50, 150, 250) were freestyle and the evens (100, 200) were IM.

I'm still exhausted but pretty pleased with myself.

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